Standard Edition Help Guide

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Help Manual Contents (Last Updated 03/11/2011)

  1. Requirements and Compatibility
  2. Installing the Add-In
  3. Configuring the Add-In
  4. Launching Office Routing Plus
  5. Using Office Routing Plus
  6. Taking Office Routing Plus to the Next Level

Requirements and Compatibility

Installing the Add-In

Silent or Unattended Installs

Configuring the Add-In

Configuring Email Client Settings

Configuring Recipient Selection Mode





Launching the Add-In

Launching the Add-In - Questions and Problems

Q: Office Routing Plus does not seem to be loading on one of our computers. I have installed it and even uninstalled and re-installed. Now what?
As of July 2019, if you are having problems with Office Routing Plus and are not on version 2019.07.01 or higher, which uses the .NET Framework 4.0 (older versions use 2.0 Framework), then inquire about this newer release as it addresses loading problems of the add-in.
A: The first step should always be to try enabling our Addin as Excel/Word/Outlook may have disabled it. Look under the Excel options (Word or Outlook depending on host application that isn't showing ORP) and then AddIns, then under manage dropdown choose Com Add-Ins then click the go button. This will bring up all addins installed in this host application. Look for Office Routing Plus. If this doesn't make the addin show then there are some other steps you can take to troubleshoot--see below:
  1. MS Outlook (or Word/Excel) may have disabled the Office Routing Plus Add-in if it's experienced any latency. To check, try following the steps from this guide from Microsoft. Note, this is specific to Outlook, if you use ORP add-in hosted in MS Word or Excel, then just open that application instead of Outlook and then follow the same steps. Choose to always enable this add-in as mentioned in step 1, or if you only see the option to monitor for the next x days as in step 2, then choose Do not monitor this add-in for the next 30 days. Microsoft Enable Slow Running Add-Ins Link
  2. (NOTE this step only applies if you are NOT on the July 2019 version mentioned above, or newer): If you are running Windows 8 or Windows 10, make sure that windows .net framework 2.0/3.5 is turned on. If you go to control panel, then turn windows features on or off, then the very first option is .net framework 3.5. If this is unchecked it needs to be checked. Go ahead and expand this item and check the two items beneath it (win communication foundation..).
  3. If this is a 64 bit version of office (not simply 64 bit OS but office itself is 64 bit) then we need to give you a different installer. Conversely, don't put a 64 bit installer on 32 version of office.
  4. Try enabling the add-in from within MS Excel/Word/Outlook (depending on what version of the add-in you are running). In Office 2010 and higher, simply go to the file menu (for Office 2007 click the office orb icon at top left) and then click on the options area on the left menu. Then click the Add-Ins area on the windows that comes up. Next, go to the bottom where it says "Manage" and in the drop down choose COM Add-Ins. In the window that comes up, enable Office Routing Plus, ORP Enterprise, or ORP Outlook, depending on which product you own. The add-in tab may appear now.
  5. Other add-ins that are running in Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word may conflict with Office Routing Plus. Try disabling any other add-ins temporarily and see if you still have problems with Office Routing Plus.
  6. (Note this issue has been fixed as of version If the problem is specific to Word AND if you are on Microsoft Office 2003, check the view menu in Microsoft Word and then Toolbars submenu of the view menu. Look for "officeRouting". It may be checked off--just check it back on so it displays. The reason this some times gets unchecked in Microsoft Word 2003 has to do with using Word as your email editor from Microsoft Outlook--so if you have launched Microsoft Outlook already, then some times Word thinks it has already loaded and displayed the Office Routing Plus add-in menu and so it may not display it in Word. Because of several problems like this between Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Word, as of Microsoft Office 2007, Microsoft no longer allows users to use Microsoft Word as the email editor.
  7. If the problem is specific to Microsoft Word, check the c:\program files\office routing plus directory for ORPWordTemplate.dotx and If one of these files is missing, this is likely the problem with Word. Email support to have these files sent or check a computer where Word is working in your own environment and copy these files to your computer.
  8. Check the windows registry to see if Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word has disabled this Add-In. To set these values to 3 (enabled) automatically on 32 bit machines only download our Microsoft Excel 32 bit ORP Registry Fix or our Microsoft Word 32 bit ORP Registry Fix. Once either .reg file is downloaded just double click this file from the location where you downloaded it to. If you prefer to edit the registry manually then the settings are below
  9. Excel:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Word (or Excel )\AddIns\RoutingSolution_sharedComAddIn.Connect
    For Outlook, this key will have Outlook where you see Word (or Excel) above, and the name of the Add in is ORP_Outlook.dll
    Check the value of the LoadBehavior key. If it is 2, then Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel has disabled the Add-In. Be sure that Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Word or Outlook is closed and try setting this value to 3 and then re-open Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel.
  10. Resiliency Registry Settings.
  11. Microsoft keeps track of what it decides are problematic add-ins in the registry via the Resiliency key. Generally speaking, you should look at the latest number (version) of Office in your registry for this setting. Once an add-in has been placed in the DisabledItems key, Office will not let the add-in load by default. To solve this first make sure Outlook is closed and then delete all the keys in "DisabledItems" (but remember this will re-enable every disabled add-in).
    The path to this key varies by Office version:
    Office 2016: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook (Or Word or Excel)\Resiliency
    Office 2013: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook (Or Word or Excel)\Resiliency
    Office 2010: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Outlook (Or Word or Excel)\Resiliency
    Then, after you have deleted the items in the resiliency folder above (if any were found), in order to prevent Outlook from disabling the ORP add-in again it must be added to the DoNotDisableAddinList as shown below. Change the name shown below if you use Excel or Word standard edition to be RoutingSolution_sharedComAddIn.Connect If you use ORP Outlook add-in then you may download the registry setting shown below at: This location
    ORP do not disable
  12. Check to see that the proper Primary Interop Assemblies (PIA) are installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). Also make sure that multiple versions of Primary Interop files do not exist (i.e. if Microsoft Office 2007 is installed, for example, then you do not want to find 2010 Primary Interop Assemblies present in the locations indicated by the instrucitons below).
  13. Check c:\Windows\Assembly (the GAC) for the following:
    Microsoft Office 2007/2010:
    Check for an entry called Policy.11.0.Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel or Policy.11.0.Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word. If these entries don't exist then this machine is missing the 2007/2010 Primary Interop policy that says to redirect a request to the 2003 API to 2007. Office Routing Plus needs this policy registered in the GAC.
    Download the 2007 Primary Interop Assemblies (PIA) from Microsoft at:
    Download the 2010 Primary Interop Assemblies (PIA) from Microsoft at:
    Office 2003:
    Check for an entry called Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel or Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word. The version should be 11.0. If these entries don't exist with a version of 11.0 then this machine is missing the 2003 Primary Interops. Office Routing Plus needs this entry registered in the GAC. Download the 2003 Primary Interop Assemblies (PIA) from Microsoft at:
  14. If you are on a version put out since July 2014, an error log is used instead of event viewer. This will be stored at C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Office Routing Plus\Config Files\errorlog.txt. Substitute "ORP Enterprise" or "ORP Outlook" for "Office Routing Plus" if on enterprise or outlook version. If on an older version than July 2014 check the event viewer under control panel.
  15. Check that this machine has Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or higher. The installer should check this for you but some users have reported that they had "4.0 .NET framework client profile" installed but not regular .net framework and the installer let them install ORP (meaning it thought that at least 2.0 framework was present) but we found that installing the full version of .NET framework 2.0 or higher resolved the issue of ORP not loading
  16. If the problem is specific to Office 2003, and none of the above fixed your issue, then try running the following files from the installation files manually, and in this order. When trying this step as a resolution to the add-in not loading, you do not need to reinstall setup.exe.
  17. O2003PIA.msi
    If you have not installed ORP itself yet on this computer then you should now run orp.msi
  18. Try loggin in to this computer as another user. Sometimes ORP is not loading for a particular windows profile and logging into Windows as another user works fine. In such cases, you may need to backup and rebuild this users' profile.
  19. In some cases, we have found that if a newer version of the .NET Framework then ORP's required 2.0 is installed, then installing (alongside of your current framework) the .NET Compact Framework version 2.0 may solve the problem in some environments
  20. If you still have problems with the Office Routing Plus Add-In not loading on a machine email

Using the Add-In

Using the Add-In - Questions and Problems

Q: Emails for documents I route are going to my draft folder and staying there for a long time (or never get sent).
A: If you have multiple outlook profiles this may be the problem. Try removing one of the profiles temporarily (if you need to keep both, try removing one and re-adding as sometimes that resolves the issue). Also, Make sure you are on at least version 3.08 and be sure to turn on outlook cached mode. See article about cached mode here Also make sure you are on version 4.02 or higher for standard and 1.02 or higher for Enterprise and these versions have made some changes that help the issue of emails getting stuck in drafts.
Q: I'm getting an annoying warning from Microsoft Outlook saying that another program is trying to access Microsoft Outlook or the Microsoft Outlook address book. Also, sometimes it says another program is trying to use Microsoft Outlook to send an email on my behalf. How can I turn these messages off?
A: As of February 2010 this should no longer occur, because Office Routing Plus now uses Redemption to talk to Microsoft Outlook, which should safely communicate, with no security warnings. This is actually an Microsoft Outlook security setting controlled in the windows registry. The message is not specific to the Office Routing Plus® Add-In. The fix is below.
Note that the fixes below will update the registry. Be sure to backup your registry first and be sure that you inspect (or have someone else in your IT office) inspect these changes to ensure that these are changes that should be made on your computer.
For Microsoft Outlook 2003: In the registry, find HKEY/LOCAL MACHINE/SOFTWARE/POLICIES/MICROSOFT/Security. The key is a DWord value "CheckAdminSettings" and the value you want is 1. If no key exists, create one and set the value.
However, sometimes this doesn't work for some client machines and from what we have been able to gather so far that might be due to how the exchange server itself is setup--see Slipstick technical article. But before you get into those complexities, just try the first trick above as that should fix the problem.
If the above registry entry did not make a difference you might also try placing the same "CheckAdminSettings" key and value under:
For Outlook 2007 - Download and run this registry entry from the Office Routing Plus® website (of course review it and make sure you are ok with the changes and backup your registry before you make the changes. We have had several customers run this and it does make the message go away and does not seem to create other problems).
Q: How do I add a routing slip to a 2007 Microsoft Word document with the ORP Add-In?
A: Launch the ORP Add-In from within Microsoft Word and click the "Add Recipients" button. After you have added the recipients to route to, click the "Add Slip" button. To route to the first recipient simply click the "Route to Next" button.
Q: How do I add a routing slip to a 2007 Microsoft Excel document with the ORP Add-In?
A: Launch the ORP Add-In from within Microsoft Excel and click the "Add Recipients" button. After you have added the recipients to route to, click the "Add Slip" button. To route to the first recipient simply click the "Route to Next" button.
Q: Where will the ORP Add-In show in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel?
A: In 2007, you will find ORP under the Add-Ins menu. In 2003 you will find a button for ORP on the left, slightly under the File menu.
Q: How should we handle vacation or out of office scenarios? I just received a routing document and routed it to the next recipient. I got an out of office reply. Now what?
A: New to version 2.019, you may delete the recipient you just routed to by highlighting that recipient's name and pressing the Delete Recipient button. Recipients that have been routed to may only be deleted if you were the last one who routed to the recipient that you are trying to delete. When you delete the recipient, a new dialog box will come up asking if you would like to send a message to this person. This will allow you to tell the person that you are removing them from the routing process for this document so they know when they return that they do not need to route the document to the next sender. After you send the out of office recipient this message, you may add a new recipient in their place (if desired) by clicking the Add Recipient button. You may then use the up and down arrows to get this recipient in the correct order in the recipient list. Now route the document to the next recipient.
Q: Does the ORP Add-In retain the "Return When Done" feature so that the routing initiator of the Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel slip will receive the final version of the document as well as an email notifying him/her that the routing slip has completed?
A: Yes, the "Return When Done" feature has been retained in the ORP Add-In. See all the Features of Office Routing Plus.
Q: Does the ORP Add-In retain the "Track Status" feature so that the routing initiator of the Word or Excel slip will receive an email as each recipient in the routing tree sends to the next recipient?
A: Yes, this feature has been retained in the ORP Add-In. See all the Features of Office Routing Plus here.
Q: Why does the ORP Add-In show in Microsoft Outlook?
A: The ORP Add-In may show in Microsoft Outlook if you have purchased ORP for Microsoft Word and if you use Microsoft Word as your email editor for Microsoft Outlook and if you are still using Microsoft Office 2003. The ORP Add-In has been programmed so that you cannot actually launch it from Microsoft Outlook-although the button may show.

Taking Office Routing Plus to the Next Level

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Recommendation Highlights

" Thanks to the Office-Routing Plus Add-in, our teams are back in business routing documents for review purpose. Without this valuable add in, we would have to do the whole process manually, which is going to be unsustainable. Thanks again! "
– Steve Yuen, IT Analyst, Johnson & Johnson Inc.

" The Office-Routing Add-in allowed us to quickly and easily replace the lost functionality of document routing in Office 2007 without having to develop custom work flows through the Share Point Server – we have been very pleased with the results "
– Kent Smith, W.C. Bradley Co.

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